Ben Dantzer

As a Ph.D. student, I am currently investigating an innovative mentoring model that has been labelled Youth-Initiated Mentoring (YIM). Rather than matching youth with volunteers who live in a different neighbourhood (and who are often from a higher socio-economic status), YIM invites youth to select their own mentors from within their existing social networks. This approach to mentoring is intended to celebrate the existing strengths of neighbourhoods and communities and empower youth to begin cultivating their own networks of support. To investigate the benefits of YIM, I am using a more participatory approach to research that invites youth to act as "co-researchers" throughout the entire research process. This participatory approach to research recognizes that youth are experts in their own lives and invites them to co-construct knowledge alongside researchers. My participatory approach to research is unique in the field of mentoring and seeks to contribute a more culturally sensitive and locally-informed study to our existing body of knowledge.

Research Interests
Youth-Initiated Mentoring; Community-Based Participatory Research

Dantzer, B. (2017). Psychological well-being: using self-determination theory to examine the reciprocal benefits of mentoring and teaching others. International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, 7(2), p. 93-101. doi: 10.18178/ijssh.2017.7.2.802 Dantzer, B. (2018). Supporting the self-determination of mentors and mentees in a cross-age peer mentoring program. University of British Columbia. DOI: Perry, N. E., Mazabel, S., Dantzer, B., & Winne, P (2018). Supporting self-regulation and self-determination in the context of music education. In G. A. D. Liem & D. M. McInerney (Eds.), Big Theories revisited 2: A volume of research on sociocultural influences on motivation and learning. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Press.

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